GNFSL Newsletter Article Submission

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Author Guidelines


The GNFSL is cordially inviting nurses to send general articles, news items, and poems related to Health and Nursing for the “New Vision” Newsletter.
Submission Guidelines:

The articles/news items/ poems should be included contemporary topics in the world of Health and Nursing and, fit for the following structure.
· Articles – In-depth discussions of topics of interest: 750-1000 words
– Articles should include section headings. Illustrations, tables, and sidebars are encouraged to explain and emphasize the message.
– Articles should include a brief introduction; body; subheadings, paragraphs according to your content, and the summary.
– Include the citations and references according to the APA 7th format where ever necessary. Limit your references maximum of 10.
– All writings should be in ‘Times New Roman with a font size of 12 and spacing of 1.5 pts between the lines.

· News items, and announcements – Short, topical, news-oriented, word count – 50 to 200 words
· Poems– 50 to 200 words

All articles will be checked for plagiarism. Articles will be reviewed, and authors will have to make corrections according to the reviewers’ comments. The articles which do not adhere to the prescribed standards are not published in the Newsletter.

The final print:
The GNFSL reserves the right not to publish every submission in the Newsletter. The GNFSL also reserves the right to use submissions in a later Newsletter instead of the current one.

Submit your writing to the web portal appearing below or email to Secretary,

For more information contact:
Secretary of GNFSL, Email:, Tel. 071 811 1949

Submit your Newsletter

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)