Dear Colleagues
I am privileged to have the opportunity to send this message to the membership as the 7th President of Graduate Nurses’ Foundation of Sri Lanka; an apex professional organization in Nursing in Sri Lanka. The GNFSL assists nurses to accomplish their professional development goals through a range of activities. Thus, I sternly believe that this official website will help us to network with nursing professionals easily and provide opportunity for more graduate nurses to join with us. This website will be a portal of sharing nurses’ knowledge and research findings among wider nursing community and many more.

Since, you, the membership of the Graduate Nurses’ Foundation of Sri Lanka, are our most valuable read more..

Workshop on Instruments Development and Validation

Dear members, Graduate Nurses Foundation of Sri Lanka proud to announce the next research workshop, “Workshop on Instruments development and…
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Call for Abstracts and General Articles for 4th Biennial Academic Sessions

We are pleased to inform you that 4th Biennial Academic Session is scheduled on 14th February 2024. We invite you…
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Nurses Day Celebration

Dear members, Let’s celebrate International Nurses’ Day 2023 “Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Invest in Nursing and respect rights…
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b. GNF


The GNFSL is a voluntary and independent professional organization with graduate nurses as its membership which focuses mainly on the development of the Nursing Profession in order to ensure the quality service to the public in terms of nursing care management.

It encourages nurses for further learning and the persuasion for higher studies. It also makes efforts to increase the awareness for research among nurses.

GNFSL promote friendship, goodwill and understanding and thereby healthy relationship amongst all categories of nurses and other professionals. It acts to build up a sense of self-esteem among nurses through an understanding that ‘Nursing is a noble and humanitarian service rendered with “Tender, Loving, Care”…

The GNFSL proudly declares that it is the 25th member association of ‘Organization of Professional Associations’ (OPA) which is the umbrella association of all professional associations in Sri Lanka with 44 other professional bodies (by 2015).
Today the GNFSL membership exceeds 300 graduate nurses including nurses from all categories; hospital services, community services and nursing education field from all over the country.
The GNFSL cordially invite all graduate nurses to join with it and define the way ahead for Graduate Nurses in Sri Lanka

Professional Developments Activities

Follow our guidelines, academic sessions, webinars and quiz competitions for your professional developments.

Biennial Academic Sessions

- Guidelines for abstracts
- Guidelines for general articles
- Submissions

Professional Webinars

Nursing webinars led by industry experts on topics like self-care, reversing nurse fatigue, emerging infections, and more.

Quiz Competitions

Our quiz on nursing covers not just the history on nursing, but many facts about different aspects of this caring profession.


Be a member of a professional nursing association and earn benefits.

Advance your career with free development resources and webinars
Stay current with the most up-to-date nursing news
Network and connect with nursing professionals for support and advice


    Contact us for any inquiries of you. 

    +94 71 861 7392

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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